Rigging Artist
Gear up to take down the Y.2.K.A.I.J.U. while you skate around looking cool and taking down any sentient appliances that get in your way!
Explore a Y2K Wasteland, destroy unique enemies, perform sweet tricks!

At the start, I was invited to join this team to rig the enemy characters for the game, and I was tasked with rigging two characters; a boombox on wheels, and a spider toaster, and 2 months before the game ships, I was called in to rig the fax machine and the skateboard to hit the deadline in time.
It was a fun yet challenging experience because I had no prior knowledge on how to rig for games.
I started off with the toaster and gave the toaster both IK and FK set ups for the legs. I then gave the cord some sub controls which would give the animator a lot more creative freedom to animate the toaster.
For the boombox, I initially wrote an expression for the wheels, but then I realised that when bringing into unreal, it did not work like it was supposed to.
So I used node editor to connect the wheels to make it look like its rotating when moving forward.
But then in unreal, the wheel still is detached from the body and the game dev had to hand key the wheels in unreal as we need to hit deadlines.
For the body, I just gave some FK joint placements on the arm and on the body, antenna and the handle.
There were a lot of ping-pong back and forth which I then learn that unreal does not read deformers and constraints
I have tried searching for answers online and asking my peers but I still can't get it seem to work
I would still love to know how to get the wheels work so if anyone knows please contact me :D
For the fax machine and the skateboard, I made everything joint based and skinned them to the joints and it worked perfectly in engine.